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The significance of Vap Poya

Vas season or rain-retreat is the time frame or the period where the Buddhist monks remain indoors or in their monasteries for months, commencing from the Esala Pura Pasalosvaka Poya to Vap Full Moon Poya Day. The Vap Pura Pasalosvaka Poya Day is also called the Cheevara Masaya or the month of robes.


In Vinaya Parivara Pali, it was mentioned as period of Katina. It states “Katinassa Attharamaso Janitabboti – Vassanassa Pacchimo Maso Janitabbo” which means – Be aware, it is the last month of the rainy season. It is also called the Katina Masaya – the month of “Katina Robe” which will be donated to the monks. There will be colourful processions in many parts of the island in the early morning on Vap Poya Day where the Katina Robe will be taken to their respective temples.

The word “Katina” means “Unbreakable”. The Buddhists believe that through offering of “Katina-Cheevara”, you accrue the highest merit. Offering of a “Katina Cheevara” is considered as a meritorious deed of a life time. It is believed that the merit you gain is solid like a rock, and the merit cannot be shaken.
It should be mentioned here that the “Katina Cheevara”, or “Katina Robe” is exclusively offered for the monks who had observed Vas or Rain-Retreat. During the period of Vas, the monks stay indoors and perform and attend to religious activities, concentrate on meditation, deliver sermons, open discussions on Dhamma in the temples. There is a principle laid down for Theravada Bhikkus. Those who have received “Upasampada” Higher Ordination are only entitled, to observe Vas. They have the sole right to receive Katina Cheevara, on Vap Poya Day.

It should be noted that Katina Robe can be made only with the completion of Sanghati (Sagala Siura), Uttarsangha (Single Robe), Antaravasaka (Andana Siura).

This year Vap Full Moon Poya Day falls today. Temples will be filled to the capacity. There will be Sil campaigns in most of temples and Viharas.

The proud and prestigious Sri Lankan history records that during the reign of Parakramabahu I in Polonnaruwa that he settled the internal dissensions of Mahavihara, Abayagiri and Jetavana sects and appointed Maha Kassapa Thera as Sanghara in charge of the Dimbulagala Forest Hermitage. It is said that Parakramabahu I, donated eighty katina robes to eighty priests at eighty temples.

Furter, history records that during the Kotte Period (Sri Jayawardenapura) the Great King Parakramabahu VI, annually offered Katina Robes to those monks who were resident monks at the three provinces – Ruhunu (Southern), Maya (Central), Pihiti (North and East). The great Ruler Parakramabahu VI had donated 3432 Katina Robes, during his reign.

Out of the Sri Lankan kings, the last ruler to offer Katina Cheevara was Rajadhirajasinghe.

Tracing the Buddhist literature it was stated that the future Buddha Maitreya, in the Samsaric Journey, as a Bodhisatva, entered the Order on a Vap Pura Pasalosvaka Poya Day.

During the reign of Devanampiyatissa in Anuradhapura, Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka, by Arahant Mahinda, son of Emperor Asoka of India. Devanampiyatissa’s Chief Consort, Queen Anula was keen to enter the Order as a Nun-Bhikkuni. Arahant Mahinda advised King Devanampiyatissa, for the establishment of the Bhikkuni Order, his sister Sangamitta theri should be invited to Sri Lanka. The King Devanampiyatissa sent a royal diplomatic delegation headed by his Foreign Affairs Minister Aritta on a Vap Purapasalosvaka Poya Day, to India to meet Emperor Asoka.

It was on a Vap Purapasalosvaka Poya Day the first Sinhala Arahat – Mahaaritta Thera, held a Buddhist Council to Bhikkus at Thuparama Temple Anuradhapura.

Emperor Asoka decided to send a sapling of the Jayashrimaha Bodhi Tree to Sri Lanka. It was on Vap Poya Day, that this Bo-sapling was placed on a Golden Bowl and dispatched to Sri Lanka.

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