Buddhism Online

First Asian Buddhist Animal Rights Conference to be held in Seoul, South Korea
The Buddhist Channel, Sept 26, 2016

Seoul, South Korea -- The first Asian Buddhist Animal Rights Conference co-hosted by Dharma Voices for Animals (DVA) and Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) will be a single whole day event on September 30, 2016 and will be held at Hotel Skypark Kingstown, Dongdaemun in Seoul, South Korea immediately after the 28th World Fellowship of Buddhists Conference in the same city.


The keynote speaker will be a well-known Buddhist monk and animal advocate Venerable Master Hai Tao from Taiwan and he will be speaking on Compassion for All Beings. Other speakers include a Sri Lankan Buddhist veterinarian Dr. Chamith Nanayakkara who with his team have generously given free treatment to more than 50,000 animals and  DVA President, Bob Isaacson who will speak on the Buddha's Teachings on Sentient Beings and How We Can Live Kinder.

Topics to be dealt by the various speakers will also include implementing humane animal control methods, spaying and neutering of animals, animal experimentation, animal agriculture and plant-based nutrition.

There will be two workshops included in the conference: the first will be on Advancing the Cause of Animal Rights in the Buddhist Community and the other at the end will be  Living Kinder and Eating Kinder - using what was learned at the Conference for the Welfare and Happiness of All Beings.

Lunch included in the conference will be entirely plant-based and no animal foods will be served.

This conference will be the world's first Buddhist animal rights conference. Buddhists in increasing numbers are now engaging  in animal advocacy and refraining from consuming animal foods because they want to go further with their practice of kindness and compassion which applies to all living beings and not just humans. 

To them ethical and moral considerations in exploiting animals for food, skin, fur, experimentation and entertainment are equally important as religious philosophy. The organizers hope that this conference will be the starting point and plan to hold more in the coming years.

If you wish to support this conference, donations are welcomed:

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