Buddhism Online

5 Essential Nutrients That Every Vegetarian Should Know

When you pass on a more vegetarian way of eating it is important to educate yourself about the nutrients your body will need on a daily basis.



A vital part of any diet, the average daily intake for women is 50 grams and for men 60 grams, which you can easily consume in the form of: Beans, lentils, legumes and peas; Fermented soy products in the form of tempeh, miso and natto; Free range eggs; Raw milk, cheese and yogurt; nuts and seeds, which benefit from soaking in water or sprouting first; Non dairy nut and seed milks.

Remember to avoid if possible pseudo meats and other pretend protein foods, as they are highly processed ones with a list of ingredients as long as your arm. Phytic acid remaining in these soy products greatly inhibits iron and zinc absorption; test animals fed soy protein isolate develop organs enlargement, particularly the thyroid gland and pancreas, and increased deposition of fatty acids in the liver.


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