Buddhist Arts-Culture
Book Highlight - Emeralds: The Koans of Infinity by Mila Shugurova
Dharana Organic Publilshing Press Releases, 2013-03-04
05/03/2013 11:43 (GMT+7)
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An esoteric Buddhism is an inner life of the Great Teaching, the one we are all living. It is the wisdom of knowing, of feeling, of being. In Light of new time, the earth is awakening to the Inner Truth of Peace. Esoteric wisdom is a breath of the eternal life, from the very Source who is our Essence. From the heart, we are Light- Forever.”
Poetry heals the world and this time, it is the Emeralds: The Koans of Infinity, a living book, whose word of Thought predates our knowledge of it, yet it is the natural wisdom, each heart knows it by Truth.”

Mila Shugurova.
Written in 2012, Emeralds: The Koans of Infinity by Mila Shugurova, a UNESCO member artist and a poetess, is a unique and a very profound poetics that gathers the living koans of Infinity in a garland of thought from the heart as The Teaching of Wisdom (Dzian). The Teaching pre-dates the Buddhist doctrine in the essential meaning of Kalachakra, the Great Mandala of Time. From the Summits of Spirit, the Koans come forth, illuminating our Reality as the Great Presence. It is a book for giving, for meditations, for thoughtfulness written as Buddha Dharma.

From Mila Shugurova's blog, http://olgashugurova.wordpress.com/
Koans help understand the meaning of esoteric Buddhism as an organic spacious thought that flows through the places of our encounters with the Infinite- in the stars, the meadows, the rivers of our memory. Esoteric nature is revelation from the heart in self-consciousness of the greatness and equity of the human with Buddhas. On our starry-earthly ways, we follow the pages and the stanzes that are written with Light. Poetry is in the singing koans, and they all are the living manifestations of Infinity.
All questions of humankind may be put into the flow and a new awareness may come forth as the koans do open another space of mind to allow answers find us in such a way as to make us aware of the intrinsic infinite potential. Koans also bring us to Nature, and we begin to listen to The Great Spirit. All Nature has Buddha Nature.
Gautama Buddha told us that one day we would turn to the Earth in organic cooperation and naturally step in the Flow of Cosmic Evolution. The book, Emeralds: The Koans of Infinity illuminates the greatness of Consciousness that is all around: the stars, the planets, all plants, animals, rivers, lakes, and all people. Loving kindness is a living ethics of the world's community that extends far beyond the known to encompass the cosmic latitudes and other spaces of New Time.
The koans bring together a better understanding of Nature as Universe, in which everything is conscious. In fact, the koans do help become conscious of the Universe. Koans help hear and see with the eyes and ears of the heart and be within Spiritual Communication. In deep meditation of Consciousness, psycho-intellectual mind undergoes through cleansing, and knowledge gains a prominent place at heart. The koans as Dhyana or Meditative Spirit Knowledge strengthen the Antakharana- the bridge to Higher Self.
People who have read the koans felt as Nature began communicating with them once they have become conscious of Its Voice, the Great Spirit. In Dhyana Meditations, their koans came to them. Poetic koans began to spring forth on this Poetic Earth, healing places, people, times. Esoteric Buddhism of the koans helps us become aware of the Poetic Earth and the whole Universe as Inspiration.
To learn more about the book, please visit this online preview.
Contact: Shugurova, Olga

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