Jesus & Buddha
23/05/2013 22:03 (GMT+7) Font size: 
If Jesus and Buddha were to meet, they would recognize one another as
fellow prophets because they were teaching the same truths.

stayed in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and were tempted by
evil, Jesus by Satan and Buddha by the demon Mara and his daughters.
original teachings promoted peace and turning the other cheek, passive
resistance rather than armed insurrection. Marcus Borg, a Christian and
Jesus scholar, focuses on this basic aspect of Christianity by selecting
a range of quotations from the Gospels and pairing them with parallel
sayings by the Buddha. For example, whereas Jesus said, 'Blessed are the
poor, for yours is the kingdom of God,' Buddha said, 'Let us live most
happily, possessing nothing; let us feed on joy, like the radiant gods.'
It is surprising, to a reader familiar only with the Bible, to find how
similar the words of the two religious leaders actually are.
When we
compare two ancient spiritual traditions like Buddhism and
Christianity, what we see is a striking similarity between the
narratives of the founding masters: in the case of Christianity, Jesus
Christ, and in the case of Buddhism, the Buddha. I see a very important
parallel: in the very lives of the [founders] the essence of their
teachings is demonstrated. For example... the essence of the Buddha's
teaching is embodied in the Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering,
the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation of
suffering, and the truth of the path leading to this cessation. These
Four Noble Truths are very explicitly and clearly exemplified in the
life of... the Buddha himself. I feel [it] is the same with the life of
Christ. If you look at the life of Jesus, you will see all the essential
practices and teachings of Christianity exemplified. And in the lives
of both Jesus Christ and the Buddha, it is only through hardship,
dedication and commitment, and by standing firm on one's principles that
one can grow spiritually and attain liberation.
That seems to be a
central and common message. Apart from that, there are few similarities, apart from living a simple life. Buddha searched for the way. Jesus said "I am the Way" Buddha searched for the truth. Jesus said "I am the Truth". Buddha searched for a reason for living. Jesus said "I am the Life. No one comes to the Father, except by way of me." JOhn 14:6
Both claim royal descent; Celestial bodiest announced the birth of both; Both were tempted by the devil; Both experienced supernatural events after the devil left; Both were said to know the thoughts of others; Both healed blind men and claimed that the affliction was due to a previous sin; Both required disciples to renounce worldly possessions; Both had a disciple who walked on water.